6 of the most common men’s health issues

From heart conditions to sexual health concerns, it’s important for men to be open about their wellbeing

Men are notoriously bad when it comes to opening up about their health and wellbeing. In fact, a 2019 survey found that nearly two thirds of male respondents avoided going to the doctor when they had a concern about their health. This can cause health problems to fester and become worse, so it’s hugely important for men to understand and tackle the illnesses and health concerns that could impact them.

Knowledge is power when it comes to your health, which is why we’ve put together this guide to some of the most common health issues impacting men. Understanding these illnesses is the first step to addressing them effectively. 

Heart disease

More men die from heart disease than from any other health problem, and certain lifestyle factors can increase your chances of falling victim to heart health concerns. These include weight gain, inactivity, smoking, drinking and an unhealthy diet, as well as exposing yourself to stress and anxiety.

Men can play an active role in protecting their heart health by eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits of vegetables, staying active, reducing stress and following doctor’s orders when it comes to medication. Getting tested for blood pressure and cholesterol can also help you address heart health concerns before they become too serious.


The CDC reports that cancer is the second most common cause of death among men, and some of the most commonly diagnosed kinds of cancer among men include prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, skin cancer and lung cancer.

You can reduce your risk of cancer by following a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet and exercise. We also recommend getting regular screenings so that any cancerous cells can be found and dealt with swiftly. Simple actions like wearing sunscreen, quitting smoking and limiting your red meat intake can also reduce your cancer risk.


Men have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than women, partly because male bodies tend to have more belly fat, raising the risk of this chronic condition. Managing your weight and getting plenty of exercise can help to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. It’s also good to get familiar with your risk for prediabetes so you can take any necessary action early. 

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common sexual health condition in men, especially those older than 75. It results in men finding it more difficult to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual activity. Actions like quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can help to tackle erectile dysfunction, as can addressing any sources of stress and anxiety you have surrounding sex. 

There are also medications like sildenafil which has been shown to be extremely effective in helping men overcome erectile dysfunction. You can find out more about this treatment here: https://www.postmymeds.co.uk/treatments/erectile-dysfunction/buy-sildenafil-tablets-generic-viagra/


HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection, and often resolves itself on its own However, in some cases it can turn into more serious health problems like penile cancer or genital warts as a result of infection, which is why you should discuss HPV with your doctor. HPV vaccines help to prevent infection, and wearing a condom can protect you from HPV and other STIs.

Low testosterone

Testosterone levels naturally begin to drop in a man’s thirties, but in some cases this decline can lead to symptoms such as a low sex drive or trouble concentrating. In these cases, a blood test can let you know whether an underlying condition is at play, and whether testosterone replacement therapy might be necessary.

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