7 Essential Traits of the Best Service Dogs for Anxiety

Whether you have a dog or have been around them, odds are you’ve encountered their playful, loving nature. These four-legged friends are naturally attuned to human emotions, making them excellent for people with anxiety, both as emotional support animals and as psychiatric service dogs.

With 18% of adult Americans living with mental health disorders, service dogs offer a unique way to manage symptoms that may get in the way of everyday life. 

When it comes to getting a service dog for anxiety, it is important to look for a dog with the right traits to make a successful service dog. Namely, you’re looking for a dog with a calm, steady, and attentive temperament that is also easy to train. A tall order!

However, with the right education, you can easily find a service dog for anxiety that fits your needs and lifestyle. This article takes a closer look at 7 essential traits of the best service dogs for anxiety to help you find the right four-legged friend for you. 

Trait 1: Calm and Steady Disposition

It is essential to find a service dog with a calm and steady disposition to support their owner through a range of situations. According to the Mayo Clinic, common symptoms of anxiety include feelings of nervousness or restlessness, feeling tense physically or emotionally, or difficulty thinking of anything other than a recurring worry.

To support their owners through these symptoms, a service dog for anxiety needs to be calm and steady. A high-energy, impulsive dog may only cause more anxiety.

For instance, if someone is taking their dog on a walk, being outside or in a social setting may already cause intense feelings of worry. If the dog is easily distracted or prone to running off, it may be harder to focus on overcoming the other anxiety triggers. 

Some calm dog breeds that may be a perfect fit for someone with anxiety include:

  • Shih Tzu
  • French Bulldog
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Golden Retriever
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Newfoundland
  • Great Dane

Trait 2: High Trainability

It is essential to seek a dog that is highly trainable when getting a dog to support someone with anxiety. In the case that your assistance dog will accompany you in public places, it will need to be trained so that it can offer calming support instead of creating a stressful situation.

Training service dogs requires a significant effort, but a highly trainable dog makes it easier to step out in public with the confidence that the service dog will remain calm and attentive to its owner.

Depending on the individual’s needs, anxiety service dogs can also be trained to help their owners manage specific symptoms. If you or a loved one has specific triggers and symptoms, you can train your service dog to be present and perform supportive behaviors. Perhaps you’re prone to high anxiety before work meetings or leaving the house. In this case, you can train your dog to lay its head on your lap, allowing you to stroke its fur and center yourself before engaging in the triggering activity. 

Of course, there are countless ways for an anxiety service dog to support you. If you want to go deeper into the service dog training possibilities, consider working with a certified psychiatric dog trainer for professional guidance. 

Trait 3: Intuitive and Responsive Behavior

Studies show that dogs can detect anxiety symptoms based on changes in your smell. Researchers in the U.K. found that dogs can also sense oncoming panic attacks, making them potentially beneficial for supporting people with high anxiety levels or frequent panic attacks.

If you’re seeking a dog for anxiety relief, it is important to select a service dog breed that is naturally more intuitive. For instance, Golden Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Poodles are naturally more responsive to human emotions. 

Trait 4: Strong Bonding Ability with Handler

The most effective service dogs for anxiety have a strong bond with their owner. A strong bond built on loyalty and trust ensures that the dog is more attentive to changes in their owner’s emotions and physiological signals. 

One way to deepen this connection is by choosing a dog breed that is naturally more likely to form a strong connection. Labradors, Poodles, German Shepherds, Akitas, and Golden Retrievers are just a handful of breeds that demonstrate deep loyalty and commitment to their owners and families.

Additionally, you can practice bonding activities to strengthen the connection with your own service dog. Simply playing with your dog, praising them, and using food and treats are some of the best and easiest ways to deepen your connection. You can also explore training classes that have been shown to teach dogs to listen to and respect their owners.

Trait 5: Adaptability to New Environments

In many cases, your service dog for anxiety will accompany you on outings outside of the house. Since no two outings are exactly the same, it is essential to choose a dog breed that is adaptable to new environments. For instance, if you’re going to a park, coffee shop, or outdoor market, an effective service dog will remain calm and stress-free in all different circumstances. 

To test a dog’s adaptability, it is important to expose them to as many different sounds, smells, and settings as possible. Notice if they’re especially skittish in new settings and struggle to relax despite being exposed to varying situations.

Though it is normal for a dog to be stressed in new scenarios when they’re young, a good service dog will quickly be able to get used to being in new environments. 

Trait 6: Physical Endurance and Stamina

Service dogs for anxiety need to have the endurance and stamina to stay alert and active throughout the day. Depending on your needs, most service dogs should be expected to remain alert to ensure that you are safe and supported.

If you need a service dog that is specifically trained to perform specific tasks, you’ll likely need a dog with greater stamina.

Both physical and mental exercises are important for maintaining a service dog’s stamina. For instance, regular walks, runs, or playtime keep the dog physically active and healthy. Mental stimulation may look like obedience training, agility courses, or hide-and-seek games to engage your service animal’s brain. 

Trait 7: Obedience and Focus in Public Spaces

One of the biggest, and perhaps most important, obstacles to overcome with your service dog is focus and obedience, even with distractions. Many dogs quickly lose focus on their owner or a given command, like “sit,” simply from the presence of a new sound, movement, or smell.

Since service dogs for anxiety need to be focused and attentive to their owners at all times, it is essential to select a highly trainable dog breed that will remain obedient and focused in public spaces.

Simple exercises done at home can help prep your dog to remain obedient under pressure. It is important to always use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, when practicing with your dog.

Start by practicing basic commands like “sit” and “stay,” making them hold the command until you release them. Gradually increase the difficulty of the commands to continue challenging your service dog.

No matter how advanced your pooch is, it is important to keep these training sessions short to not overwhelm your animal. 

FAQs About Service Dogs for Anxiety

There is a lot to know about service dogs for anxiety. To help with your lingering questions, we answered 3 frequently asked questions about service dogs for anxiety below.

What breeds make the best service dogs for anxiety?

The best service dogs for anxiety are calm, trainable, and responsive to their owner’s emotions. Some dog breeds with these qualities include the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, and Great Danes.

Can I train my current pet to be a service dog?

It depends. Though technically any dog can become one, a service dog must meet the training and behavioral requirements. This requires the dog to have the right temperament and be highly trainable. If these characteristics don’t describe your dog, consider getting an emotional support animal letter may be an excellent alternative.

How long does it take to train a service dog?

It can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to train a service dog. This is a significant time range but, remember, service dogs must be highly trained to perform specific tasks. Training time ultimately depends on the breed, dog’s temperament, and type of tasks your dog needs to learn.

Conclusion: Finding Your Perfect Service Dog

Service dogs can offer incredible relief and support for people with anxiety. Whether it is offering unwavering companionship or sensing an oncoming panic attack, dogs can be trained to provide their owner with an array of potentially life-changing tasks. 

Of course, the temperament of the service dog is paramount. The best service dogs have the seven traits discussed above: calm and steady disposition, high trainability, intuitive and responsive behavior, a strong bond with their handler, adaptability, physical endurance and stamina, and obedience and focus. 

Though it can be difficult to find all seven traits in one dog, the search is well worth it. It is highly recommended to consult professionals when choosing or training a service dog. With the proper research and guidance, you’re well on your way to finding a dog to support you and your mental well-being. 

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