7 ways to increase your IQ

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to increase your IQ? Some scientists have shown that it is indeed possible to increase one’s intelligence with intellectually stimulating training. These researchers tell us that there are different ways to develop cognitive performance related to our intelligence.

What is IQ?

IQ, which is short for Intelligence Quotient, is a quantification of a person’s intellectual potential. This quantification was developed in the early 1900s by a French psychologist named Alfred Binet.

IQ is measured using standardized tests (or IQ tests) administered most of the time by licensed psychologists. Among these tests, the best known are:

  • The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults (WAIS);
  • The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC);
  • The Cattell Intelligence Scale;

Although the intelligence quotient is a relevant way to measure the intelligence of an individual, it is not the only variable to take into account to have an objective estimate. You should know that IQ can be used in the diagnosis of other psychological problems (autism) such as learning disabilities.

How to increase your intelligence?

There are two forms of human intelligence: crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence. The latter is associated with abstract reasoning and pure logic, while crystallized intelligence is associated with the development of intellectual skills (a development that can be quantified by linguistic intelligence in particular).

The https://iq-global-test.com/ tells us that these two forms of intelligence can be influenced by environmental and genetic factors such as:

  • The IQ of the parents;
  • The social environment;
  • Nutrition ;
  • Educational level;
  • The genes.

Here are several ways to improve various aspects of your intelligence, such as analytical reasoning or abstract problem-solving.

  1. Memory Games

Memory games can help you improve not only your memorization but also your logic and linguistic intelligence. Indeed, memory games have been explored in research studies to determine how closely memory relates to language and object knowledge. Logic and language are both used as measures of intelligence, which means memory games can be a way to develop intelligence.

Memory games include: 

  • The puzzles;
  • Crossword ;
  • card games;
  • Sudokus.
  1. Executive control exercises

Executive control is the ability to control complex cognitive functions. These are the executive functions, which are required to perform tasks like strategizing, planning, and organizing. The iq-global-test.com Researchers have highlighted the fact that executive functions are strongly correlated with fluid intelligence.

Activities that develop executive functions are:

  • Scrabble;
  • Pictionary;
  • All puzzle games.
  1. Visuospatial reasoning exercises

According to an American study, some researchers found that improving visuospatial reasoning involved an increase in intelligence test scores. In the aforementioned study, memory and executive functions were used to help improve participants’ visuospatial intelligence.

Here are some exercises to improve your visuospatial intelligence:

  • Labyrinths;
  • Orienteering races;
  • 3D modeling;
  • The origami.
  1. Matchmaking exercises

The relational framework theory relates to the improvement of cognitive abilities and human language through the linking of objects (material or immaterial). A 2011 study showed that using relational framework theory and introducing related exercises can significantly improve IQ test in children. A second study using this method also showed an improvement in linguistic intelligence and logico-mathematical intelligence.

Here are some examples of exercises involving linking objects:

  • Read language learning books;
  • Compare objects;
  • Compare the value of currencies (dollar against euro….).
  1. Musical instruments

You don’t have to become a musical virtuoso for learning a musical instrument to benefit your intelligence. A study has shown that musicians have a better working memory than those who don’t play a musical instrument. Know that memory plays a big role in intelligence, it is therefore advantageous for you to learn a musical instrument: learning it will significantly improve your memory, and therefore your IQ test.

  1. Learn new languages

It’s hardly surprising that learning multiple languages ​​benefits the human brain. Researchers have studied the relationship between early language learning and intelligence quotient. The results were unequivocal: early language learning by children aged 18 to 24 months is strongly correlated with high cognitive performance in adulthood.

  1. Frequent Reading

It is undeniable that reading is beneficial for the cognitive development of the brain. Recent research has highlighted that when parents read aloud to their children, the child subsequently performed much better in areas related to linguistic intelligence.

Intelligence is malleable

Recent work on the brain has enabled scientists to discover the phenomenon of neuronal plasticity: it is the fact that the brain is capable of modifying its structure and reorganizing or even creating networks of neurons. The corollary of this neuronal plasticity is that it is entirely possible to improve one’s cognitive abilities through regular solicitation and learning. There is no fatality in intelligence.

How to improve your memory naturally?

Memory is the ability to take in information and remember it.

We use our memory every day. It is part of our brain and we use it by making our neurons work.

t can happen to anyone to have a memory lapse which can be linked to different things such as being tense or stressed, being tired, having had an emotional shock, or others. But it is necessary to know that the memory is worked every day in order to improve it and especially not to lose it.

The more you work on your memory, the less likely you are to have Alzheimer’s disease. Elderly people are often advised to work on their memory by doing activities such as reading. You should know that we do not all have the same memory. Some will remember a poem by reading it once or twice while others will have to spend hours on it.  There are also mnemonic aids that can help you remember things more easily. But having a good memory is above all knowing how to use it well in order to make the most of it. No individual has a memory it’s just that some use it better than others.

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