What are the Key Technical Terms for Hosting Websites?

Now, as a fresher in the field of online business. You might not be aware of many things related to your online business. Generally, you will learn everything as time passes. However, there are some things that you need to understand before you start your business. Maintaining your website will become very hard if you are not aware of basic things about online business. The most important thing for your website is a good host. When you have an experienced host for your website. There is no doubt that your website will work smoothly. But sometimes, even if you hire an excellent host. You might face some issues understanding the technical terms of your web hosting provider. But you do not have to worry about that if you are unaware of the technical terms of web hosting services. 

This content will help you in learning the essential technical term. These terms are fundamental and vital. Thus, make sure you make the most of this content. Furthermore, you need to learn the basic concept and terms of hosting services. This is mainly because when you go to a hosting provider, they might use words you don’t understand properly. And unfortunately, you could make a wrong decision related to your website. 

Key technical terms about your hosting services

To begin with, whenever you go to a web hosting service provider, you will often hear about hosting packages. So what does this term ‘hosting package’ represents here. Generally, your hosting package is a set of different resources you will pay for. You get other hosting packages when you buy cheap web hosting in India. That has different functions according to its terms. Usually, the hosting web package consists of the following things that help your website grow.

Bandwidth/data transfer

Now, bandwidth likely refers to the amount of data your website holds or can transfer in a given time. Bandwidth is one of the two essential features that help your channel. When you choose a web hosting service that provides you lousy bandwidth, it can create a big issue for your website. And you will surely like to avoid such mess while growing your business. Furthermore, the necessity of websites differs with different types of websites. Your website’s needs grow proportionally to the number of pages, amount of traffic on your website, and the size of your website. For instance, if there is only a single visitor on your website, he will only download a small amount of data. While on the other hand, if you have more visitors to your website, you will need more bandwidth.

Other features

Further, besides these two primary features, your hosting plan includes a specific number of domain names, subdomain names, and email applications you can use to manage your website. In addition, many web hosting providers provide you with a package that offers you 24-7 support. At the same time, some cheap web hosting services offers affordable plans. Thus, make sure that you choose your hosting package wisely. 


 Now the second most common word you might hear after bandwidth is a subdomain. The term subdomain is a branch of the term domain. And this term is more often used for virtual stores and blogs. These domains are attached to your main website that works in the domain. A subdomain is just a branch of your main website that goes on and on. A subdomain is just an additional part of your primary domain.

Usually, these domains for your website are created to organize. Along with that, these domains help you in navigating different sections of your main website. You can create many subdomains for your primary domain. In addition to that, the subdomain also brings an aesthetic to your page. Furthermore, subdomains also help users in identifying the location of the site. This is done by viewing the URL in the browser. This also allows the administrator to measure the number of visits in each part or area. Thus domain is just a part of your primary domain. Therefore, when you hear the term subdomain, you do not need to worry. It’s just a part of your website to work better and smooth things for your users.


Generally, a redirect is when a user visiting your web at a specific URL is changed to a different URL. For example, if a visitor visits your website, “abc.com/page-a” might redirect to a different URL, “abc.com/page-b.” Redirection is one of the essential tools within web hosting services. Just as the name defines, it is possible to redirect a page to an address. Generally, this redirection takes place to an address in its domain. And sometimes to an external environment. Usually, this is helpful for you if you want to redirect a specific page to a new page or new location. This feature is also very helpful in redirection t the user to a different website. For example, you have moved your website, and you want to shut down your old website. But you do not wish all the pages from your old website to give an error to your visitor. Then you can link the old to redirect the same content as your old page to your new website.

Disk space

Disk space is nothing but the storage capacity of a server that is provided by your web hosting services. This is one of the essential features as your whole website depends upon the server’s storage capacity. This space determines the number of files of your website that can be stored ok the server. Generally, these spaces are measured in Terabytes (TB), Gigabytes (GB). Now, 1 GB is equal to 1024 MB. At the same time, 1 TB is similar to 1024 GB.

Furthermore, different companies have different policies about disk space. Some companies might offer you unique disk space or storage for your website and your emails and database. On the other hand, some only provide a single room to be shared across your hosting account. However, you might also find companies that will offer you unlimited storage or disk space.

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