How Can You Quit Smoking?
The health risks of smoking are very well known, but that doesn’t make it any easier to quit. No matter how often one smokes, quitting can be a tricky thing to do. Meanwhile, ventures like Smokefree Clinic can help you quit smoking.
The temporary high that one gets from nicotine is what causes the physical addiction associated with smoking. And, this nicotine also gives a “feel good” sensation and can help in relieving stress. Because of this, smoking is also used as a way of coping with anxiety or depression. As such, this is where the psychological effect of smoking starts to show. So, one should find healthier ways of dealing with such feelings while quitting.
Smoking also becomes part of one’s daily routine. For example, one might automatically light a cigarette after a long day at work or after a long commute. One might even use smoking as a way to relate to people. So, to successfully get over this habit, one needs to address both the physical and psychological aspects. Also, keep in mind that anyone can quit smoking with the right support and proper planning.
Stop Smoking Plan
Even though going cold turkey can be effective for some people, quit plans can help better. As such, several dedicated institutions like Smokefree Clinic can help you quit smoking, and they also use quit plans. Meanwhile, quitting involves the short-term challenge of quitting and the long term challenge of not falling back. Hence, a good quit plan should prepare you to be able to deal with both of these. And asking oneself the following questions can help form a quit plan:
- How much do you smoke?
- Are there people, places or things that you associate with smoking?
- Do you smoke when stressed?
Also, a good way to begin the smoking plan is by following the START routine.
S – Set a quit date
T – Tell close friends when the quit date is
A – Anticipate and prepare for challenges
R – Remove all smoking-related products from immediate surroundings
T – Talk to the doctor about issues and get additional help
Identify and Avoid Triggers
Understanding what makes one want to smoke is the key to quitting. This includes all activities, feelings, people, places and situations that one associate with it. And keeping a craving journal can help you with identifying these triggers. One can start writing the journal a week before the quit date. Also, you should note the time and intensity of the craving, what you were doing, and who you were with. Noting how one felt before and after smoking can also help. So, some tips for avoiding some common triggers are as follows:
Alcohol is a very common trigger for smoking, and most people tend to smoke when they drink. So, switching to non-alcoholic drinks is one way of dealing with this. Drinking in places where smoking is prohibited can also help in keeping one on a leash.
Other Smokers
Having people who smoke in one’s close circles can cause a relapse. Talking to people about the decision to quit is also recommended. And let them know that they won’t be able to smoke in the car and find non-smokers to take breaks with at work.
End of a Meal
Some smokers have the habit of lighting one after a meal. So an effective way of dodging this habit is to substitute that cigarette with something else like a piece of chocolate or fruit. Having something sweet after the meal can help with the craving.
Most people try quitting several times before being able to actually quit. Hence, it is important to always keep one’s spirits high. There is no use in feeling bad after slipping up or relapsing for a bit. One should stay calm, analyse what went wrong and try to fix it.