How Long Do Alcohol Cravings Lasts During Recovery?
The struggle to quit any addiction is tough, and some addictions are next to impossible to quit. Some addictions bring one of the worst types of withdrawal syndrome that one could go through when leaving any substance.
Also, many go through this condition during alcohol addiction treatment, and many suffer the worst kind of withdrawal syndrome.
The cravings will reappear regularly, and liquor is everywhere once you go outside of your home (after quitting). It is impossible to surround yourself with teetotallers, and there will be friends or relatives who will not understand the seriousness of the issues you face.
So, what is the alcohol withdrawal period, and how long does it take for the addiction to go away?
Subscribing to a serious detox program can help you stay stable and lessen the seriousness of withdrawal symptoms like:
- Mood changes
- Stress
- Headaches
- Fevers
- Irritability
- Nausea and vomiting
- Excessive sweating
The timeline of withdrawal will look like the following:
6 hrs
Around six hours after your last drink, minor withdrawal symptoms usually appear. A person who has a history of heavy drinking may experience a seizure six hours after ceasing to drink.
Between 12 and 24 hrs
During this phase of alcohol withdrawal, a small percentage of people encounter delusions. What happens is, people, see or hear things that aren’t actually happening. Despite the fact that this symptom is terrifying, experts don’t see it as a severe condition.
Between 24 and 48 hrs
At this time, slight withdrawal syndromes are not uncommon. Stomachache, tremors, high temperature, and Headaches are all potential symptoms. If an individual is going through mild withdrawal symptoms, they will rise somewhere between 18 and 24 hours and disappear after 4 to 5 days.
Between 48 and 72 hrs
Delirium tremens (DTs), also known as alcohol withdrawal delirium, is a serious form of alcohol withdrawal that affects some people. This condition can cause an individual to have a fast heart rate, seizures, or a high fever.
After 72 hrs
This is when the effects of alcohol withdrawal are usually the most severe. In rare cases, moderate withdrawal symptoms can last up to a month. Two examples are rapid heart rate and illusions (to see things that don’t exist).
Some other conditions can occur during the withdrawal period, such as Alcohol Delirium Tremens (DTs) and Alcohol Post-Acute Withdrawal (PAWS).
Alcohol Delirium Tremens (DTs)
Delirium tremens (DTs) is a more severe type of alcohol withdrawal that many people go through. Only in the most serious cases of alcoholism does this level of withdrawal occur.
Delirium tremens, sometimes called “the shakes,” usually occur forty-eight to ninety-six hours after the final drink. DTs may last as little as 24 hours for some people and as long as five days for others.
Alcohol Post-Acute Withdrawal (PAWS)
Withdrawal from alcohol after an acute period of abstinence is known as PAWS. It is because you’re still not out of danger (addiction) after surviving acute alcohol withdrawal. You may begin to go through withdrawal-like symptoms a few months after your last drink.
Doctors call it protracted withdrawal or post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). It (withdrawal syndrome) may take more time than all of the conditions mentioned above to end.
If an addict is provided with proper care during alcohol addiction treatment, they will definitely make it out of the addiction without mental and physical damage. It is not that tough to get out of these addictions if you consult a professional healthcare provider/centre.