Know how to avoid the tag of ‘Fail’ in Job Interviews

Do you often think,’ why am I not getting a job? Are you tired of getting rejected in job interviews? You might’ve searched for ways not to crack a job interview. But it does not get implemented, nor do they get successful in landing you a good job. 

‘Why am I failing in interviews? – The most common question

If job seekers fail in interviews, they make some mistakes. Everyone wants to know how to do well in a job interview.

 Let us look at what job-seekers are doing wrong when going for an interview: 

1.Lack of Research 

Research is the first and foremost step before going for an interview. Before going to any discussion, most job seekers skip reading about the company, its functioning, the job description, and the skills and work they expect from the candidate. 

The employer wants a hardworking candidate to check how well you can analyze the topics and situations. But since most of the candidates don’t pay enough attention to this, they end up getting rejected. 

2.Beating around the bush

This is one of the most common mistakes candidates make while giving an interview. Suppose the employer asks a question and they do not know the answer. 

In that case, they keep trying to provide relatable solutions and situations and a 2-page long story that affects the candidate’s impression of the recruiter. It is essential to be authentic and admit if you don’t know the answer. 

A recruiter does not expect you to be a know-it-all but wants to see how you tackle the situation, what skills you possess, and so on. 

3.Lack of practice

Not many job seekers practice before the interview, aka, give a mock interview with their friend/family etc. The interview needs practicing for most people who feel underconfident. This results in anxiety when any unforeseen/unexpected question or situation comes into the picture. 

Avoid Such Mistakes with India’s Top Certification Program

Proper skills and training are required to make an interview successful. It would help if you opted for highly successful certification programs which can keep you from failing in a job interview. However, not all the programs are successful. 

While very few are successful in clearing interviews, most other candidates opt for certification programs.

Click Here: Upskill with Expertrons Career Acceleration Certification Program & say goodbye to rejections

Expertrons Career Acceleration Certification Program

Expertrons CACP is an extensive training program to help crack tough interviews and get long-term job security. The program aims to get the candidate shortlisted 95% faster and be amongst the top 2% of the candidates. 

This program will completely transfer your career in these ways: 

  • LinkedIn Boost and Naukri Workshop 
  • Upgrade your profile with 600 million+ industry professionals
  • 2x career growth
  • Resume Building sessions
  • Interview Preparation & Review
  • Professional Resume Enhancement 
  • Networking Etiquette sessions 
  • Certification by IIT-B Alumni

P.S. – Most of the candidates enrolled in the program got a job in the first seven days. 

Click Here: Assess your skills to identify if you are ready for the interviews

Bottom Line

Cracking the job interviews is a tough nut to crack. You must improve your cognitive abilities and excel in the required skills to crack the toughest jobs in the world. 

Join the CACP program now and kickstart your career journey in just 7 days! 

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