What are the options if you hit a bike with a car?
An accident is often a scary experience, and it gets a lot worse if you are involved in it. While a lot of bike accidents don’t usually involve cars, life can get uncertain at times. You can never really predict what kind of vehicle will collide with that. So, in case you ever hit your car with a bike, make sure that you are aware and alert of what you are doing after that. The aftermath of accidents has major impact on how you will recover from the injuries and the damage it can cause your car. It could also affect the outcomes in the long run.
On that note, here’s a look at what are the things you could do if your car ever hits a bike. Read More about hub4u click here cinewap Visit here viewster
Call 911 Right Away
The first thing you need to do is call 911. Even though you will be tempted at this point, make sure that you never make the mistake of calling up someone right when the accident has happened or even discussing with anyone who might have been at fault. Always remember that whatever you say during the crash could easily be held against you. But if you happen to see a law enforcement officer at the site of the accident, make sure you speak to them with complete honesty and tell them what exactly happened & how did the accident occur. You will also have to provide your address and name alongside.
Wait For the Cops to Arrive
The next thing you should do is wait till the cops have arrived at the site of the accident so that they can hear your side of the story, file a proper police report, and check whether you are injured or not. A lot of people don’t even realize that they have been injured for several hours. Sometimes even the smallest of injuries materializes into something substantial and permanent in the long run.
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Also, make sure you never negotiate with the person who was on the bike. A lot of people understand their mistake very easily & take up quick responsibility for their actions while some deny their mistake right from the start. So don’t waste your time negotiating. Make sure you document all the details to the cops instead of waiting for someone else to take advantage of the situation.
Make Sure Your Version Has Been Properly Added
Often, cops prefer to gather statements from motorists and don’t want to speak to others about it. Don’t let that happen to you. From your end, make sure your side of the story has been well documented. By that, you should also report all important injuries regardless of how minor they are. Always remember that such minor injuries could later also become a bit too serious. If by any chance, the cops don’t want to take your statement while recording details, make sure you get the report amended at some point.
Preserve Evidence
If you end up having any kind of damaged clothing, make sure you keep it just as it is. Never allow the damaged parts of your bike to be repaired right away. Take some photos first, document the whole thing, including the changes and then you can think of fixing them.
Obtain Witness Contact Information
Always remember that the police would like to extract as much information as they can from you. Hence, you should make it a point to put down names, phone numbers, and other details of witnesses. If you don’t have them, ask someone to get them done for you.
Speak To an Attorney
Speaking to an attorney is the next thing you should do if you really want to get out of this situation in a safe manner & solve the matter legally. Your attorney will give you legal advice and the best steps you will need to safeguard yourself and the rights towards compensation as well.
If you feel that someone else is responsible for causing an accident, you may also understand that there will be several legal actions you must take. You have a lawyer to help you out with that. If your driver is liable for what happened, you could also file claims against your driver. In case your rights are not respected, you could also file a suit if that is needed. After all, nobody wants to always attend court, although it is important for you to pay off those medical expenses while providing for the compensations required. If you are looking for the best lawyers, you could also consult Foylelegal.com. They have the best set of experienced people who can help you settle bike accidents easily.
So that brings us towards the end of the post. We hope you have garnered enough details about the legal steps you can take if your bike hits a car. You could also speak to some of our lawyers who will be able to give the best advice on scenarios like this.