Why You Should Not Delay Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer in Houston?
As an accident victim, you have a lot of things to deal with following an accident. You may have sustained an injury, want to know when you can possibly return to work, and determine who will pay for your medical expenses. Apart from this, you need to hire a houston personal injury attorney to educate you about the legal options and rights you must protect. So, why exactly is it important to have an attorney on your side after a serious accident?
Evidence Don’t Remain Visible Forever
Some evidence, including skid marks, will fade over time on its own. Other evidence like a hazard at a worksite can be cleaned up or removed by the at-fault party to make it hard for you to prove fault. In any type of accident, evidence can be effective when collected immediately after an accident and your lawyer can do this immediately for you.
Memories of Witnesses Can Fade
Usually, eyewitness testimony is important in personal injury claims. But memories of those who have witnessed your accident may fade over time. They may no longer be able to remember significant details like how the accident happened. For instance, if you were in a car accident, your eyewitness may not remember whether the negligent driver was driving while texting or speeding. By hiring an attorney as soon as possible, they can get in touch with witnesses and request statements from them that can be used to support your injury claim.
Damage Documentation Must Be Delayed
When you file a personal injury claim, you are looking to receive compensation that covers all your expenses and losses associated with your accident. Thus, you must have these losses documented from the start of your case. Although you probably keep records of your medical expenses, your lawyer will document other losses like the transportation cost every time you go to a doctor’s appointment.
You Must Have an Advocate to Deal with Insurers
Once you file an injury claim, you will soon get a call from an insurance company. The company will employ different strategies aimed at discounting your claim. An insurance claims adjuster may take your words out of context, so they demonstrate your admission of fault. Sometimes, they may make a lowball settlement offer, hoping that you are willing to take any amount from them. Your injury lawyer will handle communications with the insurance company for you from the get-go, demand the full compensation you deserve, and negotiate a settlement with it.